Ban Appeal

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Have not been connected for a while but seeing some concerning trends for the life of the server moving forward… 

We should certainly be giving out less intense bans, maybe we should be going back to the “kick - kick - kick - temp ban - temp ban - temp ban - perm ban” model vs just dishing out random lengths etc, this will really help with the super crazy low new player retention rate. 

Instead of locking / removing this thread, feel free to move it to the appropriate page! 

(1) What is your in-game name? -

(2) What is your steam ID (including any banned alt accounts)? - STEAM_0:1:34734885

(3) What is the name of Admin/Staff who banned you? -

(4) How long were you banned for? -

(5) Have you been banned on any SBS server before? If so, approximately how many times? -

(6) Have you been banned within the last week? -

(7) Why were you banned in this instance? (Explain in Detail) -

(8) Do you think you deserved the ban? -

(9) Why should you be unbanned? -

(10) Have you learned your lesson from this ban? -

(11) Provide a Screenshot of the message that appears when you try to join the server: - 

For Question 3, you can also tag the Staff Member who banned you so they can receive an immediate notification. To do this, type the: "@" symbol and the name of the staff member after it. If you are not sure who the staff member is on the forums, just list their in-game name and Forum Staff/Server Staff will tag that staff member!

Before this inevitably gets locked as it isn't an actual ban appeal, the system as it has been for years now and is known by the majority, is a warning for the rule break, if continued, a kick, and from there it typically moves into bans, and for most infractions/rule-breaks it starts at an hourly, to a daily, to a weekly, monthly, and then a yearly/perma ban. Usually just doubling on top of each other.

Despite this, currently the server is trying to suit more of a "fresh start" for all players, so the "intense" bans you're talking about aren't actually happening much at all currently without real reason.

The only time an intense ban may be given out is, you could argue, a ban for hatespeech which is usually 2 weeks.
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