Ban appeal

(1) Discord Name & ID (EX: JohnSmith#4444): - Kenpachi

(2) Which Discord were you banned from? - SBS GOM

(3) What is the name of the Staff Member who banned you? - Ryte or Ariel 

(4) Have you been banned on any SBS server or platform before? If so, approximately how many times? - yes

(5) Have you been banned within the last week? -no

(6) Why were you banned in this instance? (Explain in Detail) - I posted dancing dog emojis that lags discord. Sorry men

(7 ) Do you think you deserved the ban? - Yes

(8) Why should you be unbanned? - It will not happen again. I love that server.

(9) Have you learned your lesson from this ban? - yes

(10) If you are able to provide a screenshot of the reasoning of the ban, please post it here: -

For Question 3, you can also tag the Staff Member who banned you so they can receive an immediate notification. To do this, type the: "@" symbol and the name of the staff member after it. If you are not sure who the staff member is on the forums, just list their in-game name, and Forum Staff/Server Staff will tag that staff member!

+1 we can't let Tyr Trolas control the server unban this soldier this instant


+1 unban

+1 Please unban, he is a good guy.

Because you are a good guy man!

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(05-04-2024, 11:18 PM)Chaos Knight Wrote: +1 Please unban, he is a good guy.

Because you are a good guy man!


A few honorable mentions from that video: @Hazel Curze-Wintertale because they keep mentioning and implying they got hacked even though that's a cover up for the fact that she's not hacked and is actually @Chilibun in disguise.
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Who's going to ban me? Jacob Nova Williams? That admin cant even speak english. I had to kill him by throwing a dictionary at his dumb asssssss

Kenpachi also helps a lot of people.

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My wife wants this guy unbanned as well, please she is very gang. She is a admin on a magic school.

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