Rump and Bathilda report

(1) What is your name? - Terry A Davis

(2) What is their name? - Bathilda Mcguffins and Rump Dark Enos

(3) What is their SteamID? - STEAM_0:1:166586616 and STEAM_0:1:225880896

(4) What did they do wrong? - pull me over non existant rule self DOS'ing even though I've done it over a year ago with no problems

(5) What Rank are they? (Find this here) - moderator 

(6) Evidence. (Must be provided: BAN MESSAGES ARE NOT EVIDENCE) -

Since the DOS system was made into place, I always remembered it being fail RP to DOS yourself. Making a report for being told to stop doing something is rather petty. 


Hey, so it is fail rp to put a DOS on yourself. Enforcers can not be DOSed, one reason being that they can only be arrested by head enforcers, and the valedictorian. There is no reason for an enforcer, in roleplay, to put a DOS on themself, other than as a joke which unfortunately still doesn't allow you to do so.

Here is a quote directly taken from the compendium. "It's paramount to understand that it is nearly impossible to make a statement for every rule in existence. It's also restrictive on roleplay, so use your common sense in many situations."

Bathilda did nothing wrong, and I don't see how Rump comes into this when he's not included in the evidence either.

Report denied

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