Galaxy of Magic Bulletins October 9th, 2022

Galaxy of Magic Bulletins
October 9th, 2022

Staff News

Gwen, Ryte, Heinrich, Miro, and Satia are on LOA/Low Activity

@@Bathilda has received feedback and is continuing onto her second week of trial! Keep up the good work Bathilda!

We are actively looking for staff (especially moderators)! If you or someone you know is interested in Moderator or Gamemaker we encourage you to apply!

To Apply for Moderator check here: 
To apply for Gamemaker check here:
To apply for Helper check here:

If you have any questions about staff positions feel free to reach out to any staff member, we'd love to help!


Server News

The Halloween celebrations have begun! Read about the new limited-time staff, Halloween spell, and Halloween events here!:


Rule Clarifications

Some changes have been made this week!

Levitate Other now reveals the Void when used.
Students are now no longer required to be in class if there is no teacher. 
If the server is over 30 pop and the classes are split, teachers are required to teach in their classrooms and stay in the class until 0 seconds, as usual. If the classes are below 30 pop and the classes have been combined into one, the teacher is allowed to teach in the midcourtyard.
These rule changes are now reflected in the compendium.

Thank you!


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