Ban Appeal

Hello I've been banned from Rump for hate speech? At this point it is just targeted harassment, what did he ban me for this third time? 

(1) What is your in-game name? - Andy Shir

(2) What is your steam ID (including any banned alt accounts)? - STEAM_0:0:24127772

(3) What is the name of Admin/Staff who banned you? - Rose

(4) How long were you banned for? - 2 weeks

(5) Have you been banned on any SBS server before? If so, approximately how many times? - twice by rose the same admin 

(6) Have you been banned within the last week? - yes

(7) Why were you banned in this instance? (Explain in Detail) - for "hate speach" apparently, what does that even mean lol?

(8) Do you think you deserved the ban? - No

(9) Why should you be unbanned? - Because Rose has banned me every single time, and he just doesn't like me , it's targeted at this point

(10) Have you learned your lesson from this ban? - ? what did i do wrong

(11) Provide a Screenshot of the message that appears when you try to join the server: - in attached 

For Question 3, you can also tag the Staff Member who banned you so they can receive an immediate notification. To do this, type the: "@" symbol and the name of the staff member after it. If you are not sure who the staff member is on the forums, just list their in-game name and Forum Staff/Server Staff will tag that staff member!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

As far as I know, Rump has been the most active mod on the sever (correct me if I'm wrong sorry) so he's not targeting you. It's just he's either taking reports more or he's on the server more than other disciplinary staff are. 

No vote

Hey Andy 

So you were banned for Hatespeech, using the f slur. You were reported by a player during ELAW. 

The appeal will be left open for 24 hours for the communitys input.

(08-25-2022, 10:33 PM)Rump Dark Rose Wrote: Hey Andy 

So you were banned for Hatespeech, using the f slur. You were reported by a player during ELAW. 

The appeal will be left open for 24 hours for the communitys input.


Spooby Shir/Andy Shir is a well known homophobe and racist.
 His infractions are many and it is horrifying the things he says, in my personal opinion, he is not fit for the staff role he encompasses on the server (GOM).
On the eve of July Sixth of Twenty-twenty-two Spooby commented to me in an incredibly disrespectful way on discord the following: "FUCK YOU N****R ahaha", implying that I should fuck myself and that he was at the same time laughing at me while using a racial slur.
 I cried my self to sleep that night. I have heard from my personal staff leakers that Spooby is a reoffending racial/homophobic. Back in the May of twenty-twenty-two, Spooby was caught using the f-slur (a slur meant for homo) and was subsequently banned for this offense, due to him being banned this meant this was his second offense, I would say it is safe to assume that he used either the n-word or the f-word during his first offense due to his prominent use of these words on the Starbystargaming platforms. He also actively uses the ableist slur "r****d" in the Starbystargaming Galaxy of Magic (GOM) Discord server meant for communication between players of the server known as Galaxy of Magic (GOM) on Garry's Mod. 
Knowing all of this information, I feel a permanent ban might suite Spooby/Andy here.
 It is obvious he is nothing but an absolute MINGE and RULEBREAKER and brings nothing but pain and SUFFERING to Galaxy of Magic. I hope within the future people will begin to realize the pain that comes from these words, and i for one hope that Spooby/Andy Shir will learn to not use these sorts of slurs on these platforms.
 With that being said, I think that we can no longer tryly hope to sustain this server because of the prominence of racits/homophobes on the server. I have heard atleast 27+ accounts of people no longer logging on the server because of Spooby/Andy and his harassment. The server is dying because of this man. 
It is horrid.

-1 for unban and

As someone who was online at the time of your word of choice, I can 100% say that you most definitely used a slur Andy. You then afterwards continued to say "f word f word f word" when you had been told that it wasn't permitted on the server. 

Also, please remember upon returning to the server, that the baton does not belong to staff members, it's an item on jobs to place people in detainment. 

~ Kyrie Vesper / Ashlynn Lych Robbery ~
{Kyrie Animus, Nova Bloodmoon, Axel Snow-Dragon, Sakura Meadows & Gravy Biscuit}

Infinite in Mystery is the Gift of the Goddess.
Retarded Wife to Ashton Rose
Head Mistress of the Animus Family
Host of the Mystic Family
Sovereign of Silence, Mistress Viper, Lost Child, Dark Hybrid, The Prodigy, Peacekeeper, Dark Enchantress, Corrupt Enforcer, & Salem Witch.
SBS GoM Moderator: February 17, 2019 until April 22, 2020
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So Hannie is correct, rump is probably the most active staff at this time which is no surprise there considering he was super active even before his position as staff.

Due to him being on a lot its more common you'll run into him and his punishments. If you're really concerned about him harassing you its best to contact the staff manager.

As staff members we are not obligated to show players proof of what they have done, staffs word is evidence. The only way we can provide evidence is if we have permission from the individual who submitted it or if we took the clip/screenshot our selves. This way we protect players who report from harassment. 

You do have an extensive history of rule breaks.....which isn't very nice. All you do on the server is be disrespectful as fuck and you minge. 
If you're gonna keep up this behavior why should you be unbanned?
Master Prestige ~ 12/07/2021
Moderator ~ 12/19/2021
Resigned ~ 09/15/2022

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So after reading the responses and from your prior actions on the server, im going to be denying the appeal

Feel free to reappeal in 1 week

Appeal Denied

Appeal denied by Rump

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OWNER OF @@The Guy

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