Bathildas Staff Manager APP


Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions

Last updated: January 20th, 2021

These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”) and Star by Star Gaming ("Company", “we”, “us”, or “our”), concerning your volunteer services on any of our services and or platforms such as and not limited to, our websites, game servers, any other media form, media channel, console or PC application, mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto. You agree that by posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.", you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, THEN YOU ARE EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED FROM APPLYING FOR A VOLUNTEER STAFF POSITION AND YOU MUST DISCONTINUE YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS IMMEDIATELY.

You accept and understand that you are not any form of an employee, contractor, or agent of Star by Star Gaming. You accept and understand that the volunteer services you provide will be a donation and under no circumstances will you expect wages, salary, or benefits from Star by Star Gaming for the services provided during your time as a Volunteer Staff member. We reserve the right to remove or let go of any volunteer staff member for any reason and at any time at our sole discretion.

Any and all actions, including and not limited to, player and or user punishment, such as issued bans or otherwise on our game servers, websites, or other platforms, as well as any statements made by you, or any behavioral misconduct, does not express the views of Star by Star Gaming and are conducted at your sole discretion. You agree that all of these are of your own and you withhold full personal responsibility. Your actions, behavior, and or statements will be taken or given at your sole discretion and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless, including our subsidiaries, affiliates, and all of our respective officers, agents, partners, contractors, volunteers, volunteer staff, and employees, from and against any loss, damage, liability, claim, or demand due to the outcomes of your gross negligence, willful misconduct, actions, statements, and or behaviors or any other conduct on your behalf, which cause or may give rise to criminal liability while performing volunteer staff services for Star by Star Gaming.


These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions can and may be updated at any time without notice at our discretion, so be sure to frequently check back for any updates to these terms and conditions. An effort to inform you that they've been updated will be made, but not promised, so it's your responsibility to periodically check back. By posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.", you are accepting and agreeing to these terms and conditions indefinitely regardless of any changes or amendments to these terms and conditions unless or until you are no longer a Volunteer Staff member. If at any point you no longer agree to these terms and conditions, you must immediately resign from your Volunteer Staff position and cease to continue your volunteer services immediately.

Please do not remove or delete these terms and conditions from your application, otherwise your application will be considered and declared void.

Applicants Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:166586616

(1.) Do you agree to and accept the Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions? If so, please answer with "Yes, I do agree and accept these terms and conditions." - Yes, I do agree and accept these terms.
(1a) What name and or alias are you most commonly known as within the SBS community? - Bathilda Enos
(1b.) What is your age? N/A

(2.) Which volunteer community staff position is your application for? - Staff Manager
(3.) Approximately, when was the first time that you joined our community and how did you initially discover it? - Feb of 2019
(4.) Community staff are held to a much higher standard both in general and with activity when compared to standard game server staff. In this case, do you understand that you can be let go at any time for excessive inactivity at our discretion? - Yes I do.

(4a) How can we be certain that you will remain active on the server upon being accepted for a volunteer staffing position?I still been playing even though server pop is kind of eh at the moment so I don't see myself going anywhere. 
(5.) Tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to be accepted for a volunteer staffing position on SBS. (100 words or less) - honestly I just want to make the server a better place and the staff team too a better place. its simple and straight to the point. 
(6.) In your opinion, which quality of yourself do you feel that you need to improve on the most? tone of voice I can come off as a bit rude/bitchy/intimidating without even meaning to.  

(6a) In your opinion, which skill set of yours do you feel that you need to improve on the most? honestly I haven't been on the team so might lack the skill on how things are currently being handle. i tend to try and go by what things were like when I was an admin. 
(7.) How would having you on our volunteer staff team benefit our community and what qualities set you apart from the rest of the applicants? - id like to think of myself as in touch with the community and easy to come to if a problem arises.  I know some people say I'm intimidating at first but id like to think I'm easy to talk to.   
(8.) Have you ever previously maintained a game server staffing position, or currently are, on any other Garry's Mod servers? If so, which ones, and in which staffing positions? (List them if possible) - I was an admin on old sbs idk if that counts or not 

(9) How would you rate your skills overall out of 10 (E.g., patience, response time, etc.) 

Patience - 9/10 - Patience is something I have worked alot on and I take pride that I'm able to have this skill
Flexability- 10/10 -  it sounds like I have no life but I work from home so I can always be reached lol 
Repsonse time- 10/10 again I'm always at my computer as i work from home. 
Communication - 10/10 -  I have no problem communicating with anyone about anything 

(10.) Provide a couple of examples of situations or issues you may encounter and how you would handle them in the position you are applying for -

Staff Leaking-  Is and always will be a thing regarding sbs unfortunately I know the server is kind of down at the moment but its still something that should always be sensitive.  In cases like these sure we may say demotion but I strongly believe in second chances.  first time would be the only time id make myself crystal clear about leaking, the second time would be more severe.  

Staff Abuse-  Staff abusing is a big deal because its happened to me before on the old map but will be taken very serious in my case someone kicked me to get to the job I was on because of slot cap something like that would more than likely be suspension because you know what you are doing.  banning someone because you don't like them or kicking them because you don't like them that would be grounds for potential demotion. In most cases as a staff member you should know damn well what its accepted and not accepted. 

Inactivity of Staff-  This is always  been such a huge problem for so many people and has been made known in the recent bulletins which staff members are on LOA but there becomes a time when and if a its constant problem it has to be addressed. Everyone has a life outside of SBS I get that but we have to be able to establish if and when a good time is to step down.  I would be asking simple questions to those inactive.  Coming up with some sort of plan to help with the inactivity, and if nothing else then encouraging them to step down and maybe coming back when they are able to play more.  Demotion is not always what is needed but if it is the absolute last step then maybe.   

(11.) If applicable, please provide a list of all your previous volunteer staff applications, provide a link to them if possible, and list any reasons why they may have been locked. If they were previously accepted, please provide a short explanation of why you are no longer volunteer staff at the time of this application. (Disregard if this is your first application) -

SBS mod app dont have link though

I do believe Bathilda is definitely a great applicant for the next staff manager. Bathilda is a very practical and professional person and is seen as a leader by many. Having an active manager with the current state of the server would be extremely beneficial.

+1 from me

She gets my +1, she would be great wherever she decided to take up a managing role at.

Guy will want some community feedback though, so give some thought to a response on what an outsider's perspective will bring

(08-24-2022, 02:33 PM)Ryte Lionheart Wrote: Hey Bathilda

I'm going to be honest about how I feel and at this current time I do not think it's in the best interest for you to obtain this position, so I will explain some of the reasons why

- There are members on the team who feel you been quite rude to and get a discomforting feeling from you that you do not like them and haven't been friendly with. Having you in this position isn't something they are comfortable with.

- For as long as I known you as an Admin, you were one of the most bias staff members that was on the team at the time. You had a group of friends, I get it but they were often treated differently when you handled their sits, this extends to you volunteering yourself to handle reports made against them. This reflects on what could possibly carry over if you obtained this position. 

In the future if enough time is taken to improve on these points you would get my vote.

I want to address things in her defense for these points, detailing experiences I've seen, as I have already voiced my support. 

While our interactions with Bathilda may differ, I wanted to point out that I would go to her specifically in situations involving her friends at the time. It's no secret she used to be a white glove, and having received private reports at the time about white gloves with her being online, I knew better than to handle the reports myself even if they were private (this is before I brought up the issue of pocket modding). Specifically this was regarding a stuck call, which GMs can take, where a player was put in one of the stuck spots on a map and had no way of getting out and was past the 10 minute cuff window and still being taunted. This specific player was notorious for having said things in the past that were of a certain nature but was obligated to have the situation handled in a way that would ensure it'd never happen again. I passed along this specific situation involving the player and Bathilda's friend group and a rule 10 infraction that was simply not allowed and she handled it and I never saw the group do it again, whereas I had seen reports get taken for the same thing from other moderators and I saw the behavior get repeated up until that point. 

A similar sort of situation happened like 2 years later when she was no longer staff and I saw people getting banned and warns being issued, players being unhappy, discontent and drama amongst the staff team, and a negative feedback post even being made about it. Now while I don't disagree that the warns and bans should have been issued in the second instance, I also preferred Bathilda's approach that got the behavior to stop and for staff to not be attacked or mocked in the aftermath. She shows restraint in a good way, as she gets people to stop more often than not, ending sits in a satisfactory and complete way, which if she as staff manager should be able to emphasize to the rest of the staff team. Not to treat people like just another steamID, but rather as individuals. 

She has been trusted to temp mod by at least two of the 3 previous staff managers (unsure about yaycob) and has always been encouraged that she should apply, but I believe the reason she wouldn't apply has been settled and that's why we see this application now as opposed to any point in the past. She's been an active member of the community for a long time, and rose to admin quickly for a reason and is a great choice for the position regardless and should be better able to guide the team to work with the players, instead of in opposition to them, which is probably needed in this time of rebuilding for the server.

Bathilda has the experience and professionalism for the role. 
She proved herself when she was an admin and she was incredibly active and was always willing to solos staff, she's also very friendly
and approachable.
She has all the qualities this role needs.


Hiii Bathildaaa

I don't actually know you too well, but we've spoken here and there when you're around and you seem pretty chill :)

I just have a few questions for you to answer as honestly as you would like to.

1: What made you want to apply? Was it something specific? 

2: How long have you thought about applying?

3: Do you consider yourself to be more of a lenient possible manager or someone who would prefer to be more strict when it comes to both enforcing on staff and also the playerbase in sits and disciplinary scenarios?

Another thing:
I sincerely apologise if this might be incorrect or feel intrusive in any form, it is purely speculation on my part. But, is there any truth behind you only being interested in this position because of @Yaycob taking it on and your relations with him? Say, had @Pierre chosen someone else, would you still be interested?
If you're unable to reach in due time then feel free to reach out to me in discord if you wish to do so :)
A neutral vote which is subject to change as the weeks go.

Edit: Coming back to each application to pull together some final thoughts as I assume the process is coming to a close, 
I think Bathilda could be a good leader for the team, and an outsider perspective so far in the form as Yaycob has really bought a fresh energy to the team and I think that might be able to be reciprocated here, 
My only concern is the way the admin team might dislike your presence, as outlined by Ryte.

I will be changing my vote to a neutral moreso on the +1 side though.
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I would not like to see you as a staff manager. Yes, you were an active admin always online when I played on the old server! Yes, you are professional! And yes, you answer tickets from players and helped them! You were also an admin for a long time!

However, I do know you would not be totally impartial, especially when people made staff reports against me (mind you the people making the staff reports were encouraged to make those staff reports by other staff members since they wanted to get rid of "him") and even though you were not a staff member at the time, I do know you were not very impartial in those staff reports, instead of asking what was the reason for my answers, the context, you followed the opinions of the crowd like a sheep mentality.

I want a staff manager who is impartial, truly impartial, not someone who if becomes staff manager would not care for the staff member´s point of views, context to gather information on what really happened. Those things are important in a team where you assume the mantle of leadership (in this case, staff manager): you are supposed to manage a team, a team that are not robots and you do have to make sure that their interests are also upholded, not just your interests or the interests of the person reporting your fellow staff member

And let me be honest about this (Sybil please do not delete it, it is relevant): In my opinion, you are only applying to become a staff manager because of the power it gives you, and not because you care about the team.

Why not apply to be a moderator again? I am sure you can help the team as a moderator by passing down the knowledge you have to others, and then reach the rank/position of admin.

I want to see a staff manager that can set their differences aside with a specific player and take the best decision and the same logic goes to being able to set their differences in regards to a staff member. 

Another thing I want to be honest about and if I sound rude not my issue: You are very selective when it comes to people that you interact with, I am 200% sure that if someone applied to be a moderator, you would instantly deny for two reasons: you cannot be impartial, you would listen to the opinions of your friends and SOME (not all because not all are snakes) ex-staff members who would tell you that said person is not a good pick, and I am sure this would happen with other players (just providing an example) and you would not be able to set differences aside; and second reason: because you are an old timer (with this I mean that you very traditionalist, you cannot place yourself in the shoes of another, and this was seen in my comment in Rump´s comment where you just said using other words and not the ones I will quote "blah blah blah your opinion does not matter, I have seen this person do otherwise, get out of here"

Ask any staff member and they will tell you (in any gmod server) that they would like their opinion to be heard, their side of the story to be considered before saying that their point of view is idiotic lol

Are you going to tell that to the staff members who ask you for advice or bring concerns regarding another staff member or a player?

You are really good for moderator and for admin (obvious) but for staff manager, your approach is way too cold and distant from others

My vote is negative.

(08-23-2022, 11:21 PM)John Wave Wrote: I would not like to see you as a staff manager. Yes, you were an active admin always online when I played on the old server! Yes, you are professional! And yes, you answer tickets from players and helped them! You were also an admin for a long time!

However, I do know you would not be totally impartial, especially when people made staff reports against me (mind you the people making the staff reports were encouraged to make those staff reports by other staff members since they wanted to get rid of "him") and even though you were not a staff member at the time, I do know you were not very impartial in those staff reports, instead of asking what was the reason for my answers, the context, you followed the opinions of the crowd like a sheep mentality.

I want a staff manager who is impartial, truly impartial, not someone who if becomes staff manager would not care for the staff member´s point of views, context to gather information on what really happened. Those things are important in a team where you assume the mantle of leadership (in this case, staff manager): you are supposed to manage a team, a team that are not robots and you do have to make sure that their interests are also upholded, not just your interests or the interests of the person reporting your fellow staff member

And let me be honest about this (Sybil please do not delete it, it is relevant): In my opinion, you are only applying to become a staff manager because of the power it gives you, and not because you care about the team.

Why not apply to be a moderator again? I am sure you can help the team as a moderator by passing down the knowledge you have to others, and then reach the rank/position of admin.

I want to see a staff manager that can set their differences aside with a specific player and take the best decision and the same logic goes to being able to set their differences in regards to a staff member. 

Another thing I want to be honest about and if I sound rude not my issue: You are very selective when it comes to people that you interact with, I am 200% sure that if someone applied to be a moderator, you would instantly deny for two reasons: you cannot be impartial, you would listen to the opinions of your friends and SOME (not all because not all are snakes) ex-staff members who would tell you that said person is not a good pick, and I am sure this would happen with other players (just providing an example) and you would not be able to set differences aside; and second reason: because you are an old timer (with this I mean that you very traditionalist, you cannot place yourself in the shoes of another, and this was seen in my comment in Rump´s comment where you just said using other words and not the ones I will quote "blah blah blah your opinion does not matter, I have seen this person do otherwise, get out of here"

Ask any staff member and they will tell you (in any gmod server) that they would like their opinion to be heard, their side of the story to be considered before saying that their point of view is idiotic lol

Are you going to tell that to the staff members who ask you for advice or bring concerns regarding another staff member or a player?

You are really good for moderator and for admin (obvious) but for staff manager, your approach is way too cold and distant from others

My vote is negative.
Hello! thank you for your feedback I appreciate it, 

I guess ill just get right into replying to what you have to say

I'm not sure how you "know" I would be impartial as I have had ONE convo with you before and that was almost a year ago and you immediately gave me the cold shoulder when all I was trying to do was provide advice to you.

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about when it comes to your staff reports sorry
You have this notion that I am only applying for the power.  where does that notion come from? if I wanted the "power" why haven't I ever applied for this position before? twice there were staff manager apps opened but I didn't apply then.  If I just wanted the power don't you think you would of seen maybe 3 apps at this point? 

I haven't spoken to you nor have I seen you in quite some time as you don't play the server. I have made friends with an extremely large amount of people regardless if they are new or old so I'm not sure where you're getting this idea that I'm selective with my friend group. 
I get its your opinion but I'm positive you are incorrect about if someone was to apply for staff I would instantly deny I have given you absolutely no reason for you to believe that.  
I am only defending myself here but you don't know me nor have you ever taken the chance or the time to get to know me I have nothing but kindness for those around me.  Sure there were times where I wasn't so nice maybe a year or two ago, ill admit it and its not something I'm proud of but it wasn't for no reason.  As everyone else I'm human mistakes happen. 
I stand by what I said about "oh your friends with so and so and they are "this" so you probably are too" as being idiotic. We are all our own people. We have our own brains to make our own decisions and that I will not back down from I'm sorry if you're offended by it. 

thank you again for you words and feedback.  

(ps I replied to Bella via discord if you wish to see my answers I can send them to you/show you) 

Hey Bathilda

I'm going to be honest about how I feel and at this current time I do not think it's in the best interest for you to obtain this position, so I will explain some of the reasons why

- You come off as someone who hides under the guise of being sarcastic or not so serious when insulting others or being rude to people as a way to be mean and hurtful without facing repercussions. This was after you were admin. 

- I don't believe in the slightest that you have the interest of staffing at all. You would of made an effort to become a moderator or GM if you did. I understand you didn't apply to these positions in the past but that doesn't mean you aren't doing this now, which the team right now needs someone that isn't doing it for any other reason except what's best for us and GoM.

- There are members on the team who feel you been quite rude to and get a discomforting feeling from you that you do not like them and haven't been friendly with. Having you in this position isn't something they are comfortable with.

This goes at the end because this was when you were staff. 

- For as long as I known you as an Admin, you were one of the most bias staff members that was on the team at the time. You had a group of friends, I get it but they were often treated differently when you handled their sits, this extends to you volunteering yourself to handle reports made against them. This reflects on what could possibly carry over if you obtained this position. 

In the future if enough time is taken to improve on these points you would get my vote.


I have read your response and I'm quite disappointed. The attitude, that it isn't your problem someone gets upset with your sarcasm tells me you lack the compassion and empathy for this position. The fact of the matter is you saying so be it rather than being worried about possibly hurting the feelings of some of those you will be working with comes off like you don't care. It's not the type of leadership we need. 

I will not respond any further.  Good luck.

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(08-24-2022, 02:33 PM)Ryte Lionheart Wrote: Hey Bathilda

I'm going to be honest about how I feel and at this current time I do not think it's in the best interest for you to obtain this position, so I will explain some of the reasons why

- You come off as someone who hides under the guise of being sarcastic or not so serious when insulting others or being rude to people as a way to be mean and hurtful without facing repercussions. This was after you were admin. 

- I don't believe in the slightest that you have the interest of staffing at all. You would of made an effort to become a moderator or GM if you did. I understand you didn't apply to these positions in the past but that doesn't mean you aren't doing this now, which the team right now needs someone that isn't doing it for any other reason except what's best for us and GoM.

- There are members on the team who feel you been quite rude to and get a discomforting feeling from you that you do not like them and haven't been friendly with. Having you in this position isn't something they are comfortable with.

This goes at the end because this was when you were staff. 

- For as long as I known you as an Admin, you were one of the most bias staff members that was on the team at the time. You had a group of friends, I get it but they were often treated differently when you handled their sits, this extends to you volunteering yourself to handle reports made against them. This reflects on what could possibly carry over if you obtained this position. 

In the future if enough time is taken to improve on these points you would get my vote.

I don't think there has ever been a time where I haven't been sarcastic its always been who I am if that's not accepted then so be it. 

 I haven't spoken to you about my wants to become staff the only people I have spoke to about it are yaycob and pierre I don't feel I need to make it known to every staff member that I'm considering it. 
those staff members on the team that aren't comfortable with me are those who have not given me the time of day OR the chance to know who I am that's not on me they don't like me or aren't comfortable with me because of who my friends are or they don't like me because I'm extremely direct and blunt, sure I can see how if I don't sugar coat things that can come off as rude to certain people but its just who I am.  
you talk about bias that was over a year ago I haven't been staff in a very very long time just because I didn't rule with an iron fist doesn't make me bias... and id like you to show me a time where I "volunteered" to handle reports.  reports made against the white gloves were CONSTANTLY thrown at me because every other staff member was scared to handle them... I don't think the staff realize I have banned them more times than any of the other staff.  again it has been over a year if not more since I have been staff.  We don't hangout so sure you may think its a power grab but for those who do hangout with me know that all I want to do is help. 

thank you for your feedback. 

I'm sorry but I feel you are twisting my words.  When I say so be it I mean its who I am its how I was raised please don't twist my words to make it seem like I don't care.  I have taken the time to apply for this position and to respond to those who have commented.  I do care BUT please don't assume that I am going to change who I am for this position. 
I have an EXTREME amount of compassion for the things I care about and this is and has been one of those things. 

again thank you    

(08-24-2022, 03:05 PM)Bathilda Wrote:  I haven't spoken to you about my wants to become staff the only people I have spoke to about it are yaycob and pierre I don't feel I need to make it known to every staff member that I'm considering it. 
Since you are applying for a manager position, I do feel it is important to ask why haven't you applied for moderator or GM? You don't have to make it known directly that you have interest but it does make people question whether you applying for staff manager could be a grab for power since you haven't applied for moderator, gamemaker or even helper. I have nothing against you, in fact I don't really know you(I hope that can change), I will remain neutral for now. 

Edit: sorry it took me forever to update but Bathilda did reach out to me shortly after my comment and now I believe it is completely understandable as to why she is going for staff manager right off the bat. I have nothing negative to say about Bathilda, she is kind, has experience, and is friendly with the community! If she does not receive the position, I would really hope she applies for moderator! 
Neutral to +1
Kenzie Tucan Angel Salad Cruncher
Joined December 3rd, 2020
Helper March 22nd, 2022
Full mod May 1st, 2022
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