
(1) Discord Name & ID (EX: JohnSmith#4444): - Rulely#8148

(2) Which Discord were you banned from? - CWRP

(3) What is the name of the Staff Member who banned you? - IDK

(4) Have you been banned on any SBS server or platform before? If so, approximately how many times? - None

(5) Have you been banned within the last week? - Yes

(6) Why were you banned in this instance? (Explain in Detail) - I posted a link to the Gru's house discord

(7 ) Do you think you deserved the ban? - No

(8) Why should you be unbanned? - What was even the point in banning me for 

(9) Have you learned your lesson from this ban? - Yes

(10) If you are able to provide a screenshot of the reasoning of the ban, please post it here: -

For Question 3, you can also tag the Staff Member who banned you so they can receive an immediate notification. To do this, type the: "@" symbol and the name of the staff member after it. If you are not sure who the staff member is on the forums, just list their in-game name, and Forum Staff/Server Staff will tag that staff member!

+1 Robin did nothing wrong. The discord server is inactive and the server is dead anyway so why does it matter

I understand your frustration, As the Clone wars server isn't up yet and the discord is pretty dead. Let's say you were actually on the server and a staff member told you to stop doing something and if you don't it will result in disciplinary action, Regardless if there are 2 or 3 people on the server. It states that discord staff members have the final say and snowy asked you once the previous day to stop posting links to other discord servers, And he had every right to take that disciplinary action. You will be unbanned but you will be timed out for the next 7 days (From when you rejoin the server)

Appeal Accepted


Appeal is closed.

Joined Hogwarts September 2016
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