Prestige Job Suggestion.

Seeing that this server is kind of looking more medieval now and that there are quite a few RS fans who play the server I think this would be a great addition to keep people playing. 

Prestige Jobs
'The Barrows Brothers'
It might be a good idea to come up with our own names and appearances for these characters but the idea is pretty much a copy from these guys.

The 6 brothers (there are more now apparently and a sister) could be very powerful reanimated ancient warriors added to the server that I think everyone would enjoy playing and seeing for both PVP and PVE. I think these jobs should all have armour and the ability to have it renewed without dying. This is not overpowered but certainly unique and a huge incentive for new players to grind for these jobs. 

Characters listed from image reference; from left to right.

Prestige 2 - Karil the Tainted: Armed with a crossbow.

Prestige 3 - Verac the Defiled: Armed with a flail. Due to his armour plated skirt he has more mobility than his brothers and can swing his weapon while keeping up with enemies. Deals less damage and has less armour than his brothers.

Prestige 4 - Guthan the Infested: Guthan's spear has a healing ability. A small percentage of his dmg to enemies is healed back to him. Armour is not regenerated this way however.

Prestige 5 - Dharok the Wretched: Has more armour than his brothers and his axe can deal up to and over 100 damage. He is not as fast moving as his brothers however. Dharok can lunge or dash forwards to get the jump on opponents who are keeping their distance from him.

Prestige 1 - Torag the Corrupted: Able to swing his hammers quickly. His weapons can maybe give a stun or push back affect on target.

Prestige 6 - Ahrim the Blighted: Given a custom spell of some kind and custom apparition that looks like a toxin or poisonous gas. Spell ideas such as a poison spell, AOE spells and or an ice barrage that can actually hit a moving target. 

These Jobs should be regular prestige jobs not Noble or Master prestige jobs because this server has lost a lot of its depth after what happened and new players will be more interested in the selection of jobs. 

I think these jobs will be very popular for events and PVE but Karil and Ahrim will definitely be popular PVP jobs. 

I searched a little on the internet for models for these characters but couldn't really find any but I think using medieval knights and recolouring and retexturing would probably be the best way to add these guys to the server. 

I think these guys should be neutral. The reason for this is because I can see them taking any side. I think they would be awesome at defending the students from bad guys but also a terrifying foe for when a player chooses to use them for evil. 

I understand this would be a large undertaking since they will all be unique models and some of them will need a specific SWEP but I think having these jobs added to the server would be well worth the effort especially after losing so many jobs.


I was thinking that these guys could be god champions or demi-gods. Like Achilles and Hercules but our own made up ones for each prestige. 

you really just put the barrows brothers in there LUL
i love it

Dharok's should have a damage buff for each hp it is missing, so like a Damascus + HPmissing
Verac's should ignore armor
Torag applies the spell the slows people down
Ahrim's a like % damage buff maybe?

+ Support

Very cool ideas here :) 
 Seleena Ragno 
Joined 17/9/18
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