Event: The Blood Pit.

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Gladiator Tournament.

Are you struggling with your studies at Starbright University? Do you need to take some anger out? Maybe you want to try a more practical and exciting career? This weekend Starbright will be hosting an Amateur Gladiator Tournament! Sign up this weekend before the event start to launch your career in gladiatorial combat and entertainment!

Starbright invites you to put your life on the line. There is not a single more honorable way to die than having your blood spilled in the Pit. 
Become a Hero, a celebrity, a Legend in your own time!

Scholars will fight one on one using an assortment of melee weapons, the winner will be determined by best out of five. Early rounds may be dropped to best out of three but the finals will remain at five. The loser will be knocked out of the tournament and the victor will move on to the next round to fight another victor and so on until there is only one competitor left.

The winner will be awarded the server tag Secutor which is the most common class of gladiator. 

The event will take place at 8:00pm CST on Saturday.
Warm up rounds will begin before the tournament.
The event duration is entirely dependent on how many people sign up.

Spoiler: Event Rules and Specifics.

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Tournament Finished.

Congratulations Secutor@Eddie Shadow Ragno on winning the tournament hosted in the Blood Pit! Many competitors arrived and signed up and I thank you all for that. 

Second place went to Azkaman and third place went to Jade so congratulations to them also! 

Event concluded, I hope you all had fun.

Hope everyone had fun!

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