07-31-2022, 08:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-31-2022, 08:18 PM by Miro Governatore.)
Galaxy of Magic Bulletins
July 31st, 2022
⚝Staff News⚝
Myranda, Rory, and Ryte are on LOA/Low Activity
Boe and Erin are back
has received her feedback and is moving on to her 4th week of Trial Gamemaker, good luck Sibyl!

@@Larissa has received her feedback and is moving on to her 3rd week of Trial Gamemaker, good luck Larissa!
@@Rump Dark Rose has received his feedback and is moving on to his 2nd week of Trial Moderator, good luck Rump!
@@Ryte Lionheart has passed his trial and is now a full Admin! Congrats Ryte!
Do you or someone you know want to become staff on the server?
Consider applying, Galaxy of Magic is always looking for applications!
Consider applying, Galaxy of Magic is always looking for applications!
Are you interested in keeping the server clean? Consider applying for Moderator!
Are you creative and would like to host events and get the server excited? Consider applying for Gamemaker!
There is also a Temporary Moderator role for people who want to help out during enforcer law!
♡ Full-time Moderator and Gamemaker applications here: https://starbystargaming.com/forumdisplay?fid=146 ♡
♡ Temporary Moderator applications here: https://starbystargaming.com/forumdisplay?fid=147 ♡
⚝Server News⚝
⚝Rule Clarifications⚝
♡ None this week ♡
⚝Special Threads⚝
Do you have suggestions for changes that could make the server better? Make a post in the Suggestion Discussion section of the forums!
These suggestions are not accepted or denied, just a place to be discussed!
♡ That’s all for this week, thank you for reading ♡
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