Rdm x4

(07-21-2022, 06:13 AM)rivensoul Wrote:
(07-21-2022, 03:04 AM)chandybear Wrote: Wanted to add this but ryte is absolutely right with mentioning you and your prestige and time on the server. You know what's right and what's wrong bro, stop acting oblivious to the fact. When I had to pull you for borderline rda you were trying to play the dumb card too. Just understand there is a time and place on the server for it. We are trying to build it back up.
dont tell me what to do.

Petty backlashing comments like this will get you nowhere, and even decrease your chance of having an appeal accepted.

Quote:some: Actually, all players are getting a fresh start. The game maker has even stated this.

Please stop using my words to try further the case of this ban appeal. I'm not even disciplinary staff, my main goal is to just make events. Admins and Mods  can sort through ban lengths however they see fit, it is just a general guide on how things should usually be handled from my knowledge. I'm not some all knowing eye who has everything right and should be quoted like gospel.

Regardless, you've had plenty of warns, and that justifies a ban. I actually think this ban length is short sighted, considering that it misses out the utter transphobic comments you were putting out on server. Which just is not accepted in any fashion.

You only cause issues, -1.
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(07-21-2022, 01:18 PM)some Wrote:
(07-21-2022, 03:04 AM)chandybear Wrote: Wanted to add this but ryte is absolutely right with mentioning you and your prestige and time on the server. You know what's right and what's wrong bro, stop acting oblivious to the fact.

Actually, all players are getting a fresh start. The game maker has even stated this.

A fresh start does not mean you just don't know the rules of the server. Also Evan, it seems like you just wanna whine about the ban rather than just accepting it, one week ain't shit. 
All you do when you are online is run and an say "Anyone wanna fight"

Touch Grass 
RP Families Are Weird 
Touch Grass
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(07-21-2022, 02:02 PM)Adam Wrinkly Wrote:
(07-21-2022, 01:18 PM)some Wrote:
(07-21-2022, 03:04 AM)chandybear Wrote: Wanted to add this but ryte is absolutely right with mentioning you and your prestige and time on the server. You know what's right and what's wrong bro, stop acting oblivious to the fact.

Actually, all players are getting a fresh start. The game maker has even stated this.

A fresh start does not mean you just don't know the rules of the server. Also Evan, it seems like you just wanna whine about the ban rather than just accepting it, one week ain't shit. 
All you do when you are online is run and an say "Anyone wanna fight"

Touch Grass 
I'm not whining so stop it.

(07-21-2022, 02:01 PM)Erin Sinclair Wrote:
(07-21-2022, 06:13 AM)rivensoul Wrote:
(07-21-2022, 03:04 AM)chandybear Wrote: Wanted to add this but ryte is absolutely right with mentioning you and your prestige and time on the server. You know what's right and what's wrong bro, stop acting oblivious to the fact. When I had to pull you for borderline rda you were trying to play the dumb card too. Just understand there is a time and place on the server for it. We are trying to build it back up.
dont tell me what to do.

Petty backlashing comments like this will get you nowhere, and even decrease your chance of having an appeal accepted.

Quote:some: Actually, all players are getting a fresh start. The game maker has even stated this.

Please stop using my words to try further the case of this ban appeal. I'm not even disciplinary staff, my main goal is to just make events. Admins and Mods  can sort through ban lengths however they see fit, it is just a general guide on how things should usually be handled from my knowledge. I'm not some all knowing eye who has everything right and should be quoted like gospel.

Regardless, you've had plenty of warns, and that justifies a ban. I actually think this ban length is short sighted, considering that it misses out the utter transphobic comments you were putting out on server. Which just is not accepted in any fashion.

You only cause issues, -1.
I obviously need to take issues elsewhere for the pulls, I would like to see evidence of satia's pull pretty sure it wont be hard to find in the console and she typed it over ooc for me to stop.

Being disrespectful on your app is not gonna get you anywhere @@rivensoul

-1 My reasons have already been stated

Okay well I always enjoy a healthy discussion where both sides get as much information as possible to them, however this is starting to become a bit unhinged so I will be making my verdict.

I will reduce your ban to 3 Days from Today.

Please understand that it is detrimental to make snarky comments, it only hurts your chances in the end. Always try to come clean and understand.

iRyte#7244 Discord
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Reduced by Ryte!

Appeal is closed.

Joined Hogwarts September 2016
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