Galaxy of Magic Bulletins
Staff news
Staff news
Kenzie, Rory, and Sibyl are back from LOA
@@Rachel Johnson and @@Chris Kim have all resigned, we all will miss you dearly and wish you all well! <3

@@Larissa Has been accepted as trial gamemaker! Congratulation's to her!
@@Ryte Lionheart Will be continuing his 3rd week of his Admin trial, best of luck!
Will continue on her second week of her gamemaker trial, best of luck!

We are actively looking for staff (especially moderators)! If you or someone you know is interested in Moderator or Gamemaker we encourage you to apply!
To Apply for Moderator check here:
To apply for Gamemaker check here:
If you have any questions about staff positions feel free to reach out to any staff member, we'd love to help!
Server News
Suggestions are more then welcome, we love community feedback and ideas! Check the link below:)
Big updates are coming soon so keep an eye out!
Rule Clarifications
None this week C:
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