GENERs Staff Manager Application (v2)

This will be my first serious post since my resignation and with the exception of other staff manager apps my last for a while. Despite me not playing GoM or intending to play in the future, I do have unique insight for this applicant that I'd like to share.

For a while, Gina was somebody I had considered for a promotion to the admin position. I may even go as far as to say that I would still support a promotion to admin for him. He was considerably more community-forward than staff-forward which was becoming rarer and rarer. He seemed very in touch with the community and would often consider their side when voting on staff material. Gina has been incredibly active for as long as I can remember. I believe that as manager Gina wouldn't slack on his responsibilities and would know when to resign if necessary. Not only that, he possessed a quality I value the highest, individuality. He would speak his mind and stay true to himself regardless of what the opinions of others were. If an applicant received a full sweep of -1s from the team but Gina felt they would be good, he would stick to his guns.

(switching to address Gina directly now)

This can be a double-edged sword though. There is a very blurred line where individuality crosses into stubbornness. And I feel that there were times where you crossed into that (it's been a while, pardon for lack of examples). However, that concern is trumped by my two main ones.

The first being something I noticed while reading your application but I worry could grow to be a bigger issue. You seem to have a heavily outlined plan on how you would execute things which is good. I can't help but worry however that what you plan to do is TOO outlined and formal. I am very pro a public code of conduct. It was one of the promises I made towards the end of my career that I couldn't deliver on due to the closure of Hogwarts and not wanting to rewrite much of it afterward. However I'll be honest I'm not a fan of some of the things you've described, in particular, the "staff member being inactive" section. The system you have seems to discredit any sort of input from the staff member you're dealing with and will create a very stressful and unfriendly relationship between you and the team. Every situation is different. I'm not saying you shouldn't have some guiding principles to go off of, but the way you describe how you would handle certain matters seem akin to your team presence, just a bit distant.

I'll now move to that. As it stands, your communication with the team is perfectly acceptable in the position you're in. When I was manager, you being a gamemaker that goes as does their own thing and does it well was frankly a blessing. However that all changes when you step up to a position of leadership. You bring up my feedback about you being distant from the team in relation to becoming an admin. That concern doubles when considering you for staff manager. On top of that, you seem to be content with your current engagement when evalutating yourself for the position of manager (See "I would like to think my communication with the team and initiative in sending votes in advance when it is impossible to attend meetings evinces this initiative and desire to engage/progress."). I can tell you right now, unless things have changed, your engagement is NOT enough for the position. If you are to get it you will need to step up. Don't confuse this for me telling you that you can't do it, rather it's me saying that there is work to be done.

This whole post may come across as overly negative however it comes from a good place. Despite what I said, if you can correct these concerns (maybe I'm wrong on them but time will tell if you do get the position) I know you'd do well to lead the team. As it stands it is very likely you will get the position so I'd view this as a bit of final feedback before obtaining the position rather than a last-ditch effort by me to turn heads on you as manager. 

Gl Gina, No vote.

Messages In This Thread
GENERs Staff Manager Application (v2) - by GENER - 08-22-2022, 04:11 AM
RE: GENERs Staff Manager Application (v2) - by Pierre - 08-22-2022, 08:56 AM

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