New Spell Names

Loved the spells names recommended so far! My suggestions below are an attempt to match some of our spells to known spells in the D&D universe, some are just taking inspiration, and some are edited to include the potential new house heads from screenshots. These suggestions are focusing mostly on the ones left blank from above.
D&D Spells *
D&D Spells Edited **

Healing spells = Concordia’s Reprieve & for higher level healing Concordia’s Blessing
*Apparition = Misty Step
Tomisynecha (Sectumsempra) = Sanguinate
Pyrkagom (Firestorm) = Hellish Torment
Zalisifa (Stupefy) = Befuddle
*Anagyolens (Legilimens) = Clairvoyance
Arrus Launchus (Arrow Shooting Charm) = Hachiman’s (Divinity of archery/war) Notch/Nock (Part of an arrow) “Hachiman’s Notch or Hachiman’s Nock”
Chorapoda (Tarantellegra) = Irresistible Dance
**Gargalra (Rictusempra) = Loki’s Hideous Laughter (Changed from Tasha’s Hideous Laughter for theme)
Komfeti Xorki (Confetti Charm) = Confetti barrage/ Confetti Blitz
*Krotida Xorki (Firecracker Charm) = Prestidigitation
Skoteino (Obscuro) = Arawn’s Mask
Perio Hexio (Salvio) = Concealio
Emfanium (Aparecium) = Revealius
Synchyso (Confundo) = Confuso
*Ble Floges (Bluebell Flames) = Dancing Lights
Chroma Lampa (Colour Lumos) = Chromas Lumen
Lampa (Lumos) = Lumen
Argormum (Arresto Momentum) = Momentum Interuptus
*Flot Antikeima (Wingardium Leviosa) = Mage Hand
*Fterote Anavae (Alarte) = Catapult
*Katevao (Descendio) = Earthbind
Othilso (Depulso) = Banish
Topos Emporiou (Switching Spell) = Transposition
Travixio (Accio) = Volo Objectus
Travixio Duo (Accio Statum) = Volo Corpus
Aspida Xorki (Shield Charm) = Divine Shield
Petria (Duro) = Kratos’ Invigoration
Prostamyolens (Occlumens) = Thoth’s (God of wisdom) Protection
Chromallia (Colorvaria) = Chromas Totalis
Exaplio (Engorgio) = Enlargio
Kalliloulou (Herbifors) = Druid/Flora Crown

These I couldn’t come up with anything decent for:
Perioro (Reducio) =

Fouskonus (Inflatus) =
Kinisomus (Mobiliocorpus) = 
Acanthis (Avis) = 
Vlastatou (Anteoloctulia) =

Messages In This Thread
New Spell Names - by Yaycob - 07-16-2022, 12:28 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by Etlenor - 07-16-2022, 04:26 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by Larissa - 07-16-2022, 06:57 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by Jerome - 07-16-2022, 10:57 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by Beatrice Nevergood - 07-16-2022, 08:57 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by Luke Sisca - 07-17-2022, 04:32 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by chandybear - 07-17-2022, 01:52 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by Yaycob - 07-19-2022, 09:51 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by The Guy - 07-21-2022, 03:08 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by George Hicken-Shoeshiner - 07-22-2022, 11:01 AM

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