New Spell Names

Thankyou for making this list. 

I guess anyone who wants to could just keep copying it and Yaycob can take the ones he likes most for each spell?

I like the idea of calling things by a simple name like from Dark Souls which was also suggested but I think it would be a waste since we could start making our own lore with the help of mythology. 

Anatrope (Everte Statum) - Loki's Trebuchet. 

One of Loki's most favourite spells. Many followers of him enjoy spending their time shooting their school mates off into the distance with this troublesome spell. 

Ekrixio (Confringo) - Great Soultear.

A powerful explosive spell that can rip the victim apart. 

Loriolo (Expelliarmus) - Concordia's Patience.

Sometimes peace needs to be enforced and there is no better way than disarming your opponent of their weapon of war. 

Prasitha (Verdimillious) - Hade's Ruin.

A poor damaging spell that can be casted by almost anyone and at quite a rapid rate. Causes the target's health to deterriorate without any signs of injury.

Tomisynecha (Sectumsempra) - Jaws of Cerberus. 

Slashes you opponent multiple times from an invisible force. Causes large and often fatal lacerations to the victim. 

Zalisifa (Stupefy) =

Anagyolens (Legilimens) =

Arrus Launchus (Arrow Shooting Charm) =

Chorapoda (Tarantellegra) =

Empodita (Impedimentia) - Rock-joint Curse.

Temporarily curses the target with stiffening limbs, causing them to move slowly. 

Gargalra (Rictusempra) =

Kafsio (Incendio) - Embertouch.

A beginners pyromancy. Banned from the Starbright curriculum however many parents teach this spell to their children during the school holidays. Like Nomad's Hope, this spell could save your life. 

Kano Emeto (Slugulus Eructo) - Nosoi Jinx. 

Nosoi, god of sickness and plague. Causes the victim to vomit uncontrollably. 

Kapno (Fumos) - Loki's Shroud 

Cover's the caster in a shroud of smoke, concealing their malevolent deeds.

Kefali Fouskas/Duo (Bubble Head Charm/Duo) - Poseidon's Chance.

Allows the caster to breathe underwater. 

Komfeti Xorki (Confetti Charm) = 

Neriovolo (Aguamenti) - Nomad's Hope.

A beginners spell essential for survival. Almost all travelers were able to cast this spell even those not well versed in the art of magic. 

Sioplestomale (Mimblewimble) - Hesychia's Silence. 

Greek Goddess of Silence. The spell was not made by her however it was named after her by a Starbright professor who would often cast it on disruptive students during class. 

Skoteino (Obscuro) = 

Synchyso (Confundo) = 

Pliga Thera (Vulnera) - Chiron's Blessing.

The Centaur Chiron taught Asclepius the art of healing. A powerful healing spell named after the famous centaur.

Remedia (Episkey) - Asclepius Tranquility.

Asclepius the God of Healing. A beginners level spell that heals the caster. 

Ble Floges (Bluebell Flames) = 

Chroma Lampa (Colour Lumos) =

Lampa (Lumos) =

Perimeno Soteria (Expecto Petronum) - Persephone's Ward.

Persephone, Hade's wife. Tricked into living with him, both her and his tale are quite sad. Persephone's ward is a spell that protects the caster from the undead. 

Argormum (Arresto Momentum) =

Arpaze Anakalum (Carpe) = Hermes Flight.

Hermes the messenger god. Has wings on his feet that allow him to fly. Casting Hermes Flight gives the caster a brief mimic of the power of a god. 

Flot Antikeima (Wingardium Leviosa) =

Fouskonus (Inflatus) =

Fterote Anavae (Alarte) = 

Katevao (Descendio) =

Kinisomus (Mobiliocorpus) = 

Lykisku (Spongify) - Hermes Leap.

Hermes the Messenger God. Hermes Leap gives the caster wings on their feet for a brief second and launched them in the direction they are facing. 

Othilso (Depulso) = 

Ripserio (Ascendio) - Poseidon's Rush.

Water is dangerous and Poseidon will let you drown unless you know this spell. 

Topos Emporiou (Switching Spell) =

Travixio (Accio) =

Travixio Duo (Accio Statum) =

Aspida Xorki (Shield Charm) = 

Emfanium (Aparecium) - Thor's Sight. 

Years of having to put up with Loki's trickery Thor invented a spell of his own to counter his brothers schemes. 

Kalymo (Protego) - Nephthys Denial. 

Nephthys the Egyptian Goddess of Mourning. Gave the spell to magical warriors before great battles. The spell was intended to protect those from Osiris' Call however the spell would only last a mere blink of an eye and when timed wrong Nephthys was mourning their deaths. 

Perio Hexio (Salvio) - Loki's Gift.

Loki's Gift makes the caster invisible for a short period of time. Loki is very fond of this spell.

Petria (Duro) = 

Prostamyolens (Occlumens) =

Xepagate (Rennervate) = Recovery

Acanthis (Avis) = 

Chromallia (Colorvaria) =

Exaplio (Engorgio) =

Kalliloulou (Herbifors) =

Krotida Xorki (Firecracker Charm) =

Perioro (Reducio) =

Vlastatou (Anteoloctulia) =

Kata Skoto (Avada) - The Call of Osiris.

The Priests of Osiris in ancient Egypt were the only ones on the globe who knew the secrets of this curse. Many elderly considered it a blessing and payed handsomely for the privilege to be invited to the afterlife by Osiris himself. 

Vasnaio (Crucio) - Algea's Hatred.
Algea, God of pain both physical and mental.

Nebulus Nox (Apparition) - Nyx's Shadowstride.

Nyx the Goddess of Night. The only God Zeus feared as she was older and more powerful than him. Powerful followers of the Void may be lucky enough to be gifted the power of flight by Nyx.

Nebulus Lux (White Apparition) - Zeus' Cloudstep.

Powerful Celestial witches and wizards may be given a power of a God, the ability to fly through the air in the form of a cloud. 

Pyrkagom (Firestorm) - Hephaestus Reach. 

The God of Fire. Born lame and more so the God of blacksmithing Hephaestus Reach is a powerful fighting spell that will seriously burn its victim. 

Diagrius (Deletrius) - Theia's Wrath.

A spell like no other, gifted only to a very select few by the Titan of Light Theia. Anything that comes into contact with the spells projection is immediately disintegrated by a white flash of light. 

Elefthio (Relashio) =

Kapno Volorem (Fumos Volorem) - Loki's Laughs.

A spell invented by Loki himself in his childhood, no one knows the true name of this spell but through stories over generations people have associated it with this light hearted name. Often used for simple pranks however it is just as affective as his more practical spell of similar affects. 

Messages In This Thread
New Spell Names - by Yaycob - 07-16-2022, 12:28 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by Etlenor - 07-16-2022, 04:26 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by Larissa - 07-16-2022, 06:57 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by Jerome - 07-16-2022, 10:57 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by Beatrice Nevergood - 07-16-2022, 08:57 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by Luke Sisca - 07-17-2022, 04:32 AM
RE: New Spell Names - by chandybear - 07-17-2022, 01:52 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by Yaycob - 07-19-2022, 09:51 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by The Guy - 07-21-2022, 03:08 PM
RE: New Spell Names - by George Hicken-Shoeshiner - 07-22-2022, 11:01 AM

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