Make it a parody potter server. Harry potter > Larry plotter

Whichever way SBS decides to take their server I am fine with,
however if you ask me I would really prefer something different than
the direction it looks like things are going.

First, as per the title,
Parodies don't violate copyright law.
Sure it would ultimately be up to the Gmod devs/managers,
but changing the names of Ron Weasley to Don Beasley
and stupify to poopify might be a way to avoid getting everything taken down while maintaining
all that once was.

I would also like to suggest: Game of Thrones RP.
With a heavy focus on magic of course, but there are tons of GOT
playermodels on the workshop.

Or honestly anything else outside the box.
I would say look at the workshop and find something with a lot of
content you guys could use. 

thanks for reading.

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Make it a parody potter server. Harry potter > Larry plotter - by [IFN] LightSide Gary [M] - 07-14-2022, 06:54 AM

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