Red is my opinion on the subject
Green is just for good vibes.(DONT READ IF U DON'T WANT TO)
Orange is a suggestion/example of how poll should be executed
I would also like to say that i don't wanna be held responsible for green if you don't wanna read it don't i put on a disclaimer
1) Anything but the catboys and catgirls man,I know the farm needs crops but plant some lettuce instead of potatoes for those little americans.
2) I speak in code for the sake of the information im trying to present to the public.I said nothing but i also said too much
3) The point made in 2) means that Myranda cannot accuse me of being guilty or judge me just based on the code i spoke unless she has a valid proof of what it means
4) Incase we don't get catboys and catgirls (THANK GOD) i think Miro should get the job so we feel right at home
5) Since hitting the mark called "Feel right at home" was on your plan i am also not held accountable for the 4) point
6) Further proof for 4),5) Miro=Catboy.Very simple
7) Modern is boring so i think after we see the top two options.We can redo the poll on just those two options,so we get a more accurate view on what the community wishes.
Quick example:(numbers are fake and made smaller for easier comparison)
We have 3 options,and in the first poll
1. option got 8 votes
2.option got 4 votes
3.option got 11 votes
In this case we get an option 3.For the whole community even tho actually more of the community was against it
AKA (8+4=12)
So if we redid the poll we could be more accurate,Yes the 3.option could still win,Cause not everybody would vote for 1.
But incase we have to give the community the room to choose,maybe they hate 3. more than 1. so they go for 1. in the end
Making the results of the second poll
1.option got 12 votes
3.option got 11 votes
U might say well Mat half of the community is still not happy.
Well at least we showed our players devotion to this new project and that is the right thing to do
For further proof and devotion to the community i am willing to give you a VALID super VALID evidence in the attachments of this post
On 13.7.2022 In Europe at 21:40h or 9:40pm this screenshot was taken(look below the post,no don't worry it's not your mom)
It shows that options earned this much votes
1. 5 votes
2. 18 votes
3. 22 votes
Still following along ???
and to put it in the perspective if we redo the poll.5 votes from 1. option can be split/directed to any of those to meaning the 22 votes from the 3. option could now be less than option 2. in this case that is 23.
MEANING THIS IS OUR END RESULT 23>22 in favor of 2.option
Love you The guy hope this reaches you in time,Best of luck im looking forward to returning
Red is my opinion on the subject
Green is just for good vibes.(DONT READ IF U DON'T WANT TO)
Orange is a suggestion/example of how poll should be executed
I would also like to say that i don't wanna be held responsible for green if you don't wanna read it don't i put on a disclaimer
1) Anything but the catboys and catgirls man,I know the farm needs crops but plant some lettuce instead of potatoes for those little americans.
2) I speak in code for the sake of the information im trying to present to the public.I said nothing but i also said too much
3) The point made in 2) means that Myranda cannot accuse me of being guilty or judge me just based on the code i spoke unless she has a valid proof of what it means
4) Incase we don't get catboys and catgirls (THANK GOD) i think Miro should get the job so we feel right at home
5) Since hitting the mark called "Feel right at home" was on your plan i am also not held accountable for the 4) point
6) Further proof for 4),5) Miro=Catboy.Very simple
7) Modern is boring so i think after we see the top two options.We can redo the poll on just those two options,so we get a more accurate view on what the community wishes.
Quick example:(numbers are fake and made smaller for easier comparison)
We have 3 options,and in the first poll
1. option got 8 votes
2.option got 4 votes
3.option got 11 votes
In this case we get an option 3.For the whole community even tho actually more of the community was against it
AKA (8+4=12)
So if we redid the poll we could be more accurate,Yes the 3.option could still win,Cause not everybody would vote for 1.
But incase we have to give the community the room to choose,maybe they hate 3. more than 1. so they go for 1. in the end
Making the results of the second poll
1.option got 12 votes
3.option got 11 votes
U might say well Mat half of the community is still not happy.
Well at least we showed our players devotion to this new project and that is the right thing to do
For further proof and devotion to the community i am willing to give you a VALID super VALID evidence in the attachments of this post
On 13.7.2022 In Europe at 21:40h or 9:40pm this screenshot was taken(look below the post,no don't worry it's not your mom)
It shows that options earned this much votes
1. 5 votes
2. 18 votes
3. 22 votes
Still following along ???
and to put it in the perspective if we redo the poll.5 votes from 1. option can be split/directed to any of those to meaning the 22 votes from the 3. option could now be less than option 2. in this case that is 23.
MEANING THIS IS OUR END RESULT 23>22 in favor of 2.option
Love you The guy hope this reaches you in time,Best of luck im looking forward to returning
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