Forum points?

They weren't intended to be wiped, I don't remember ever creating a point validation thing, so I didn't expect them to disappear. I'll re-add the points (including the points from force-refunded items which don't exist in the shop), Thread Locked

Edit: points are now restored. Points you had before the forums locked down will be added to your points afterwards. If you had a shop item which has now been removed, your points will reflect a full refund. It turns out there was a function I made like four years ago to recalculate points (archived points are now saved on their own too, so I'm just gonna go change that function so that it pays diligence to that data)

Messages In This Thread
Forum points? - by WhoWho - 07-01-2022, 09:09 PM
RE: Forum points? - by Lexa - 07-01-2022, 10:58 PM

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