Sinclair Sauceton
Status: Offline

Info About Sinclair Sauceton
Joined: 08-07-2018
Last Visit: 01-22-2024, 07:58 PM
Time Spent Online: 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 2 Hours
Points: 305
Profile Views1481
Bio: Old member of SBS starting in like 2018 I stream sniped my way onto hogwarts and stayed. Later left to join SBS halo and have remained there to this very day...

I'ma motivator, avid/professional goofball, joker and helper of sorts and usually always try to stay in character when on the SBS servers. I will alwways strive to make people have a good laugh.

SBS has played a pretty big role in my life and I'm very thankful to be apart of this community, hell if it wasn't for SBS I'd still be a introverted piece of crap. SBS allowed me to open up a bit and just build myself up. I treasure all the moments I had here, but sadly at the time of writing this I'm slowly moving on in my life. Got no more time to play.
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SteamID 32 STEAM_0:0:80531559
SteamID 64

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