Status: Offline

Info About InquisitorXarius
Joined: 12-26-2018
Last Visit: 12-22-2023, 12:43 PM
Time Spent Online: 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 9 Hours
Points: 280
Profile Views1359
Bio: Hello reader of this profile page, I am InquisitorXarius. I have been with SBS gaming for 4-5 years as of summer 2021, but most of it was on the Hogwarts RP server. But I'm sad to say due to events involving me on the Hogwarts RP server that has been going on for the last two years and changes going on in my life, I have decided to retire from SBS gaming indefinitely. I enjoyed a lot of my time on the server. Still, that enjoyment was small compared to the many times I was harassed and bullied on the server, along with the great disappointment I felt at the staff for, from my perspective, being incapable of stopping it, and the general toxic nature of the SBS community as a whole. Goodbye, Everyone, and Thank You All for contributing to the story of my life. Perhaps I will return sometime in the future, but until then, I bid you all farewell and adieu- Inquisitor_Xarius.
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Votes: +12 / -25 (32.4%)
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SteamID 64

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