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[Clone Wars RP] Training Guides & Formalities - Printable Version +- Star by Star Gaming (https://starbystargaming.com) +-- Forum: Community (https://starbystargaming.com/forumdisplay?fid=125) +--- Forum: Support (https://starbystargaming.com/forumdisplay?fid=129) +--- Thread: [Clone Wars RP] Training Guides & Formalities (/showthread?tid=2880) |
[Clone Wars RP] Training Guides & Formalities - The Guy - 12-03-2018 Cadet Basic Training
![]() 1. Basics: - Only clone sergeants and certified trainers can conduct Cadet basic training, unless granted permission from a higher up to do so. - This is necessary to prevent the inexperienced from conducting these trainings, resulting in less than thorough understanding of the server and how the role-play works. However, this guide will be here for reference for anyone who has not underwent official sergeant training. ![]() 1. General Training Procedure: - Be sure to teach and briefly test every segment of the training area to make sure that the Cadet thoroughly understands each segment. Take your time if you must, this is not a race. - For example, not only teach faces, but also briefly test them on their faces afterwards. This assure they understand them and will not fail any battalion recruitments early on, as this can be embarrassing or demoralizing. - Do not be lazy or skip anything. - Always start with the names, moving to ranks, then following the spawn room wall around in a clockwise circle. You could also, simply follow the steps found in Section C below, as they are listed in the same intended order. - Do not forget basic target practice/assessment in the room next to the spawn room. - Attempt to request naval staff for a training blaster, however, you can ping staff if it's necessary. - Do not forget climb swep and breaching in the main training room. Both of these are important. - Don't forget to have the cadets change their name to CT #### Name after their basic training is complete. - Refer to the detailed layout and explanation for each section of cadet training in Section C, just below. ![]() 1. Names: - Always start your training off by having your cadet change their name. Their name format should be as follows: Cadet #### Name (Four numbers of their choice and a nickname of their choice) - Nicknames are NOT necessary, numbers are however. - No edgy or dumb numbers like 0666 or 6969. - No super long nicknames, one word nicknames are typically enforced. - Don't forget to have your cadets change their names to CT #### Name upon the conclusion of their basic training. This should be done before requesting a staff to whitelist them to trooper. 2. Ranks: - All ranks above Sergeant Major in the Army and Master Chief in the Navy are to be saluted. - If a Major walks into the room, you must salute him. If a Lieutenant walks into the room after, you would not salute him cause a Major is already currently present. You can however, still salute if you so wish out of respect, but it is not required. This goes for every rank and is merely an example. - Explain that some ranks with similar names are lower or higher than the same name rank in the army or navy. - Explain the abbreviations and also explain that some battalions have special or unique ones. Only the general abbreviations are necessary to be taught in basic training, the rest they can learn on their own time by referring to this guide. These are listed below. 3. Rank Abbreviations: ![]() CT = Clone Trooper CTFC = Clone Trooper First Class CTS = Clone Trooper Specialist CLC = Clone Lance Corporal CC = Clone Corporal CS = Clone Sergeant CSS = Clone Staff Sergeant CFS = Clone First Sergeant CSM = Clone Sergeant Major ![]() CST = Clone Shock Trooper CSFC = Clone Shock First Class CSTS = Clone Shock Trooper Specialist CSLC = Clone Shock Lance Corporal CSC = Clone Shock Corporal CSS = Clone Shock Sergeant CSSS = Clone Shock Staff Sergeant CSFS = Clone Shock First Sergeant CSSM = Clone Shock Sergeant Major ![]() CMT = Clone Medic Trooper CMFC = Clone Medic First Class CMTS = Clone Medic Trooper Specialist CMLC = Clone Medic Lance Corporal CMC = Clone Medic Corporal CMS = Clone Medic Sergeant CMSS = Clone Medic Staff Sergeant CMFS = Clone Medic First Sergeant CMSM = Clone Medic Sergeant Major ![]() CPT = Clone Pilot Trooper CPFC = Clone Pilot Trooper First Class CPTS = Clone Pilot Trooper Specialist CPLC = Clone Pilot Lance Corporal CPC = Clone Pilot Corporal CPS = Clone Pilot Sergeant CPSS = Clone Pilot Staff Sergeant CPFS = Clone Pilot First Sergeant CPSM = Clone Pilot Sergeant Major ![]() ARF #### Name = Advanced Recon Force Trooper ARF FC Name = ARF First Class ARF SPC Name = ARF Trooper Specialist ARF LC Name = ARF Lance Corporal ARF CPL Name = ARF Corporal ARF SGT Name = ARF Sergeant ARF SS Name = ARF Staff Sergeant ARF FS Name = ARF First Sergeant ARF SM Name = ARF Sergeant Major ![]() ARC #### Name = ARC Sergeant ARC SS Name = ARC Staff Sergeant ARC FS Name = ARC First Sergeant ARC SM Name = ARC Sergeant Major 4. Battalions Roles & Specializations: - 212th Attack Battalion - Role: Front Lines/Main Assault Specialization: Fire Power | Primary: Droid Poppers - Secondary: Z-6 Rotary Blaster | Ghost Company - Galactic Marines - Role: Elite Assault/Harsh Environment Warfare Specialization: Armor | Primary: Westar-M5 Blaster Rifle - Secondary: Armor | Nova Company - 501st Legion - Role: Flanking/ Front Lines Specialization: Heavy Weaponry | Primary: DE-10 - Secondary: RPS-6 Rocket Launcher | Torrent Company - 41st Elite Corps - Role: Infiltration/Reconnaissance Specialization: Infiltration | Primary: Active Camoflauge - Secondary: Republic Sniper | Green Company - 104th Wolfpack Battalion - Role: Hostage Rescue & Negotiation/Back-up Assault Specialization: Comprehensive | Primary: Republic Repeater - Secondary: Republic DMR | Alpha Company - 187th Legion - Role: Paradropping. Specialization: Aerial Warfare | Primary: Thruster Pack - Secondary: Portable Med kits | Amethyst Company - 442nd Siege Battalion - Role: Logistics/Heavy Support Specialization: Stronghold | Primary: Ammo Boxes - Secondary: Deployable Turrets | Marauder Company - Shock Troopers: Disciplinary and Protection/Escort - Medical Corps: Medical Support/Research - ARC (Advanced Recon Commandos): Elite Combat and Reconnaissance. - Pilots: Aviation Support/Transport - Navy: Communications 5. Formations: - Firing Line: Line up shoulder to shoulder in a horizontal line either standing or crouching. - Advanced Firing Line: Line up shoulder to shoulder in two horizontal lines, standing or crouching. The line in the back must stand and the line in the front must crouch. - Wedge: V-shaped offensive formation. Tight and loose variants. - VIP/Diamond: The VIP must stand in the middle of four troopers whom surround him in a square or diamond shape. - Column: Stand in a straight line front facing towards your commanding officer(s). - Double Column: Stand in two straight lines front facing towards your commanding officer(s). There must be just enough room between the two lines for a commanding officer to walk through. 6. Faces: - Left Face: a complete 90 degree turn to the left. Best to do these in third person. - Right Face: a complete 90 degree turn to the right. - About Face: a complete 180 degree facing the opposite way of which you are currently facing, or simply the opposite direction of your commanding officer, depending on the current situation. You should always turn to the RIGHT or clockwise when doing an about face. - Front Face: face your commanding officer. You should always turn to the RIGHT or clockwise when doing a front face. 7. Saluting: - Simply teach the cadet to type /me salutes in the chat or how to bind saluting to a key. Remind them of the ranks they salute and to always stand still front facing the officer until they are given their 'at ease'. - We no longer enforce typing to salute only, however, we may again in the future. For now, simply ENCOURAGE the cadet/newcomer to type out /me salutes as it's more respectful and easier to see who is actually saluting. 8. PTS: - PTS is permission to speak. - PTS can only be enacted by officers. - When PTS is active, you can request permission by typing /y PTS in chat. - Breaking PTS will result in punishment. 9. Advert & Comms: - Be sure to make the cadet fully aware that the chat command /advert is for clone officers ONLY. This is no longer enforced as a rule since only authorized users can use the command now anyways. - Make them aware that they have /comms instead and you may allow them to test to make sure their 'comms' units are working (test the command). 10. Target Practice Assessment: - The target assessment room is just across from the spawn room. - Simply ask naval officers or server staff for a cadet training blaster. - Have them shoot the targets; no real skill is required to pass. Be sure to teach them how to switch between first and third person with F2. 11. ClimbSWEP: - Climb SWEP is taught in the main training room down the hall from the spawn room. - Climb SWEP basics should include climbing the wall to the designated area, as well as being able to reset their jumps. - Always suggest doing ClimbSWEP in third person as it's much easier to control and maintain. - Mention holding left CTRL while falling from certain heights will make you ‘roll’ on landing and avoid fall damage. 12. Breaching: - Breaching is taught via the cadet breaching simulation found in the main training room down the hall from the spawn room. - Breaching should always include counting down before opening doors, breaching formations, and communications. - Breaching formations are similar to firing lines and advanced firing lines. The troopers breaching the door in the front should be crouched, and the rest of the troopers breaching should be standing in the back. - Encourage troopers to take their time when breaching, and not to blatantly rush in. We are looking for troopers who work together, communicate, and follow orders to get the job done, not heroes. - Breaching is not a race. Encourage pacing themselves and taking their time. Sergeant Training & Expectations
![]() 1. All Clone Sergeants shall have memorized Cadet Basic Training: - Clone Sergeants are expected to have clear memory and understanding of Cadet Basic Training which entails all the basics of what is expected of and the knowledge required to be an official Clone Trooper. - This is necessary so the sergeant can thoroughly and properly train all new-coming troopers, so that they may have success to get into battalions. 2. Leadership & Sergeant Training Evaluation: - Simulations or off-ship missions will be used to assess your leadership ability and skills. - Knowledge and understanding of all ranks and other basic knowledge refereed to in the Cadet Basic Training guide. - Knowledge and understanding of your battalions specific role(s) and abilities. - Must be tested and memorize all ranks, faces, formations, and permissions/abilities mentioned in Section B, below. ![]() 1. General Sergeant Abilities: - Can lead small units of their own battalion, so long as they are granted permission from an officer, or may do so freely if no officer is currently present during off ship missions. The highest rank will always lead and give the orders to who can lead what during these times. - May give general and combat orders to lower ranking NCO's ONLY within their battalion and only when instructed to lead by their commanding officers. - Cannot promote. NCO's do not have the ability to promote other NCO's. Only officers have this ability, within their limitations found on the Officer Training and Expectations section of this guide. - May organize passive RP scenarios, as well as non-combat trainings within their battalions with permission of their commanding officer(s) or may do so freely if one is not currently present on-ship. ![]() 1. General Testing Procedure: - Monitor the sergeant's training of a new cadet. They should be fine if they were trained properly, however, should they fail, refer them to the cadet training guide until they get it right. - Arrange a test of rank memorization, faces, formations, and permissions/abilities of a sergeant. Ask questions like, can you promote? Can you lead? If so, in what scenarios can you lead? Do you need permission to lead? Who outranks who? What rank in the navy is equal to x rank in the army? - Demotion for failure of these things is not necessary, however, if they are having a hard time being able to manage or memorize these things, demotion should be considered. All training should occur BEFORE or right after a sergeant promotion. Testing should take place no more than within 1-3 days afterwards. - The final test, which is made up of leadership and combat evaluation, should be conducted during a training or off ship mission. Remember, skill is NOT always important, communication, with lack of skill can make a fine sergeant. Skill with not as great communication can also make a great sergeant. Assess them fairly, but be stern. (Also, not every player has a mic, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be promoted.) Officer Training & Expectations
![]() 1. All Clone Officers shall have memorized Sergeant Training: - Clone Officers are expected to have clear memory and understanding of Sergeant Training which entails all the basics to what is expected of and the knowledge required to be an officer. - This is necessary so the officer can handle and give Sergeant Training to their own troopers within their battalions, as Sergeant is considered an important rank and a stepping stone into the potential of officership. 2. Leadership Evaluation: - Simulations or off-ship missions will be used to asses your leadership ability and skills. - Knowledge and understanding of all ranks, their abilities, and the pace and limits of which you can promote. A guide will be provided below that can be refereed to at anytime regarding ranks and their promotional abilities. - Knowledge and understanding of how your specific battalions recruitments and training work. - Knowledge and understanding of your battalions specific role(s) and abilities. ![]() 1. Officer Ranks and Promotional Abilities:
2. General Officer Abilities: - Can use /advert for any purposes within RP. - Any rank of officer may hold recruitments and trainings within their battalions as found necessary. Do not over recruit for your battalion, battalion balance will be monitored by staff. - Cannot promote outside of their own battalions, however, can recommend troopers of other battalions for promotion to their corresponding officers. - May give general and combat orders to any troopers below their rank both within and out of their battalion. - May organize passive RP scenarios, as well as non-combat trainings within their battalions at any time. 3. Promotion Pacing and Expectations: - Promotions should generally be decided as a conglomerate amongst the officers within your battalion, however this is not always necessary. Your personal judgement is trusted as an officer to make the correct and necessary promotional decisions. - Promotions should generally be given after successful missions or otherwise. - Promotions should be paced at a reasonable time frame. Not everyone will get promotions and they will not always be fair, and they should not be handed out like candy. But if someone deserves a promotion, then give them one. It is important to find a balance. - All things should be considered when giving promotions, including activity, dedication, hard work, and teamwork or leadership skills. However, the lack there of any of a few of these things should not stop a person from ever receiving promotions. Simply being inactive does not mean that a person does not deserve a promotion. The same goes for 'lack of skill'. You don't need to be the most skilled in the battalion to get promoted. These are just examples. ![]() 1. General Testing Procedure: - Arrange a test consisting of rank memorization, battalion roles, who can give orders and who can give out punishments. - Arrange a test for the ClimbSWEP. Different battalions have different requirements. 212th, Medics, 38th, Shock, 501st: 3 rewinds. 25 pits within 5 minutes, 5 up and downs, without fall damage. 41st, 187th, 104th: 10 rewinds. 25 pits in 2 minutes. 10 controlled up and downs, without fall damage. - Demotion for failure of these things is not necessary, however, if they are having a hard time being able to manage or memorize these things, demotion should be considered. All training should occur BEFORE or right after an officer promotion. Testing should take place no more than within 1-3 days afterwards. - The final test, which is made up of leadership and combat evaluation, should be conducted during a training, recruitment, or an off ship mission. Remember, skill is NOT always important, communication, with lack of skill can make a fine officer. Skill with not as great communication can also make a great officer. Assess them fairly, but be stern. (Also, not every player has a mic, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be promoted or become an officer.) |