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Galaxy of Magic | Significant Update | New Dorms, Spells, & More - Printable Version +- Star by Star Gaming (https://starbystargaming.com) +-- Forum: Community (https://starbystargaming.com/forumdisplay?fid=125) +--- Forum: Announcements (https://starbystargaming.com/forumdisplay?fid=126) +--- Thread: Galaxy of Magic | Significant Update | New Dorms, Spells, & More (/showthread?tid=19343) |
Galaxy of Magic | Significant Update | New Dorms, Spells, & More - The Guy - 07-23-2022 Galaxy of Magic July 2022 Update | v1.1 | New Beginning
For reading ambiance:
Howdy, gamers!
For some of you, this may be your first time seeing an announcement from us since our previous server was forced to close its doors. With that said, there might be a lot of confusion while reading this and a lot of missing context in general. You may even be wondering, what in the heck is Galaxy of Magic? What happened? Well, you can read more information in the previous announcement that was posted when our website first reopened, before reading this announcement, here https://starbystargaming.com/showthread?tid=19252. In regard to this announcement, however, we will be going over the immense amount of new content, positive changes, and improvements that this update has brought to the Galaxy of Magic server. We believe this is the first major step into reestablishing the server and finding our new identity, as well as the direction we want to take the server. Originally, the server was going to be either entirely or primarily themed and based around Greek Mythology, but we've since decided, based on community feedback, to splash in a bunch of other Mythologies too. We have an enormous amount of details to share, so let's not waste any time and get right to it.
[Image: https://i.imgur.com/WX6PKSa.png]
We've replaced the previous two dorms we launched with, with SIX new ones. You read that right, six. Each dorm is represented by a God from a different mythology, and each God represents the specific attributes that the dorm itself also represents. We've had custom runestone icons made to represent the dorms, brand new and unique scholar models made with an extensive amount of customization, an updated dorm 'election' system, and a revamp of the class system. Starting with the dorms; Dorm Kratos, founded by the Greek God Kratos. This dorm represents strength and vigor. [Image: https://starbystargaming.com/images/gom_dorms/dorm_kratos_200.png] Dorm Hachiman, founded by the Japanese God Hachiman. This dorm represents glory and honor. [Image: https://starbystargaming.com/images/gom_dorms/dorm_hachiman_200.png] Dorm Concordia, founded by the Roman God Concordia. This dorm represents peace and tranquility. [Image: https://starbystargaming.com/images/gom_dorms/dorm_concordia_200.png] Dorm Thoth, founded by the Egyptian God Thoth. This dorm represents knowledge and wisdom. [Image: https://starbystargaming.com/images/gom_dorms/dorm_thoth_200.png] Dorm Loki, founded by the Norse God Loki. This dorm represents deception and mischief. [Image: https://starbystargaming.com/images/gom_dorms/dorm_loki_200.png] Dorm Arawn, founded by the Celctic God Arawn. This dorm represents terror and despair. [Image: https://starbystargaming.com/images/gom_dorms/dorm_arawn_200.png] With these new dorms, naturally, comes a new dorm 'election' system. This is essentially a revamp of the old system, redesigned for our six new dorms. It features the new icons, as well as new visual and sound effects. [Image: https://i.imgur.com/KO2k1Sp.jpeg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/tcMnbg3.jpeg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/XKv4DBH.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/Ha0c8MQ.jpg] We've also introduced a new unique statue model that you interact with in order to use this system, being a statue of Themis. The goddess of order and the gods will. [Image: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1879706993626499794/E32246CE6C568A58793933A6EFC9CE50CFEC2B81/] Finally, with the addition of all the new dorms, the class system needed an overhaul. The timetable has been changed and updated to reflect the new dorms and has also had some overall improvements as well. [Image: https://i.imgur.com/3RjCSCS.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/jIWDiVC.png]
On to another big part of this update, the new scholar models for the new dorms. We have introduced new witch and wizard models that are both very high quality and very customizable. In fact, these are the most customizable models the server has ever had. These models are already pushed past source's limits, but we hope to test those limits even further in the future with these models as well. With various head types, skin tones, hair colors, and accessories, there are hundreds of combinations of body groups that you can use to make yourself stand apart from everyone else. There are recolored male and female variants for all six dorms as well as the undergrads. [Image: https://i.imgur.com/M3JsBSM.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/PInUzDq.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/NktmnTI.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/KyD05ul.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/dHNUfFW.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/EeuiuLK.jpg] [Image: https://i.imgur.com/sklsoPd.png]
Included in this update is not only an entire overhaul of all the names of the existing spells but around 20 brand-new spells as well. We had plans to add more new spells, but due to time constraints, some spells had to be cut until the next spell update or update that includes new spells. Changes All of the existing spells were renamed, and here's what we've settled with for now. It's worth mentioning that a lot of these new names may also not be final, we wanted to quickly get the names changed to something more simple and easy to understand, which would in turn give us time to work on making them more unique in the future, should we decide to go that route anyway. A lot of the new spells are reflected here as well, but not all of them. We'll go into more detail regarding the new spells below. [Image: https://i.imgur.com/DEY9Yc6.png] In case you missed it in the previous announcement, with the reopening of the server under the new theme and name, we introduced 14 new prestiges, and the !prestiges command has been updated to reflect the new spells that have been added that can be unlocked via prestiging specifically. More information regarding the prestiges can be found in the previous announcment that was linked at the beginning of this one. [Image: https://i.imgur.com/GKb3Oni.png] Additions Scrub-a-dub cleans decals and is mostly effective on props. It can be obtained at Acuity 1 or higher with Waterball learned. Malfundo I is one of several new spells that are being categorized as 'stat' spells due to their status effects. Stat spells cannot stack on a player and have fairly long individual casting cooldowns. If a player is under the effect of any stat spells at all, no other stat spells will work until the status effect wears off. This means individual players can only be under the effect of a single stat spell at any given time. Malfundo I imposes a 5% chance of your opponent's wand malfunctioning for 60 seconds and can be obtained by reaching Acuity 2 or higher with Disarm learned. Recoil I reflects back 1 damage to your attacker each time you are damaged. Works for 12 hits before wearing off, and can be obtained by reaching Acuity 2 or higher with Unbreakable I learned. Divinate reveals the last spell that was performed on your target, and it can be obtained by reaching Acuity 3 or higher with Starlight learned. Enfeeble I is a stat spell that imposes a 5% decrease in the amount of damage that your target inflicts for 60 seconds. It can be obtained by reaching Acuity 4 or higher with Viridio learned. Spellepathy is a telepathic spell that causes the target's subconscious to 'echo' the last spell that they performed. It can be obtained by reaching Acuity 5 or higher with Smokescreen learned. Vulnerability I is a tickling stat spell that imposes a 5% increase in the amount of damage that your opponent takes for 60 seconds. It can be obtained by reaching Acuity 6 or higher with Giggle Jinx learned. Recoil II reflects back 2 damage to your attacker each time you are damaged. Works for 10 hits before wearing off, and can be obtained by reaching Acuity 6 or higher with Unbreakable I learned. Batchoo tickles your target's nostrils causing them to sneeze out bats, and can be obtained by taking your first leap into Prestige 1. Amnesia erases specific memories from your target's mind. Makes your target forget which spell they were about to cast. (Switches their active spell to 'None'), and can be obtained by reaching Prestige 2. Recoil III reflects back 3 damage to your attacker each time you are damaged. Works for 8 hits before wearing off. It can be obtained by reaching Prestige 2. Vulnerability II is a powerful tickling stat spell that imposes a 10% increase in the amount of damage that your opponent takes for 60 seconds. It can be obtained by reaching Prestige 2. Deafen renders your target unable to hear anyone speak for 10 seconds. It can be obtained by reaching Prestige 3. Enfeeble II is a stat spell that imposes a 10% decrease in the amount of damage that your target inflicts for 60 seconds. It can be obtained by reaching Prestige 4. Vengeance paying homage to OSRS, rebounds 75% of the damage of the next hit that you take back to your opponent. It also, at this moment, trades one-hits, and has a very long cooldown. We understand that alongside the new stat spells, this spell will vastly change PVP meta, but we believe it will add a level of refreshment as well. We are open to the percentage of reflected damage changing if necessary, as well as removing one-hit spells exchanging with Vengeance. We want to, at the very least, give it some time and a chance to trial the spell exactly as it works in its current state. Be sure to voice your feedback regarding this spell specifically, as the way it currently works is not set in stone. It can be obtained by reaching Prestige 4. Shank used to precisely and accurately cut something. If used inappropriately, it could cause death or injury. Inflicts 25 damage per landed cast. It can be obtained by reaching Prestige 5. Malfundo II is a powerful stat spell that imposes a 10% chance of your opponent's wand malfunctioning for 60 seconds. It can be obtained by reaching Prestige 6. Vengeance Other allows you to apply the Vengeance effect to other players. It can be obtained by reaching Master Prestige 4. [Image: https://i.imgur.com/xVECX6Q.png]
There are dozens of miscellaneous updates that have been completed since the server reopened that were either implemented within the weeks following or were specifically introduced in this update that are worthy of mention. Some of these were even completed months before the shutdown of the original server, but never had a chance to be mentioned in an update announcement until now. Here's what else was done; Additions
Final Notes
Star by Star;
- The Guy